Dandelion Love
Earlier this morning I watched a beautiful red-headed and -breasted male house finch eat a dandelion flower. Petal by petal. Patiently. Completely. Right in front of me. Got me planning I want to harvest some dandelion flowers for today’s salad and maybe dry some for later, maybe make some infused oil, probably a flower essence. […]
Wildcrafting Hawthorn for Heart Healing
What a beautiful day to visit with Grandmother Hawthorn! The sun is shining and warm but we had shade and a breeze.The sounds of the bees and birds provided the music.Now, leaf, flower and twigs (and a couple of thorns!) drying for tea; brandy-based tincture soaking; flower essence coming with the new moon tomorrow….Hawthorn/craetagus spp: […]
Clay Holds the Healing
from Asheville NCI am blessed to have spent the past weekend learning from herbalist and healer Phyllis D Light (yes that is her true name that she has had for her whole life. And her mom was a Bright, and her niece married a Ray. Yep.). Phyllis is a healer in the living tradition of […]
You’re Soaking in It
For those of you old enough to remember, there was a circa-70s TV commercial for dish-washing liquid. It showed a woman soaking her fingers for a manicure. The aesthetician extolled the virtues of a certain dishwashing liquid while her client soaked — it is a commercial — as her client wondered if the product would dry her […]