Hawthorn: Heart-Tree of Enchantment and Resilience

Hawthorn: Heart-Tree of Enchantment & ResilienceCraetagus spp. The Tree Series continues……..Trees are living beings as well as symbols — of physical and spiritual nourishment, transformation and liberation, sustenance, spiritual growth and union. Trees are the source of our oxygen, as we exchange with them their food of carbon dioxide. Trees breathe, we breathe. Many, many […]
This is so woo

You know, as in woo-woo. As in, this is so woo-woo. How can something this woo-woo work? You are so woo. I, and maybe you too, are used to hearing this about the realm of energy healing and the role of the healer in the areas where we do not have scientific evidence to explain our […]
Clay Holds the Healing

from Asheville NCI am blessed to have spent the past weekend learning from herbalist and healer Phyllis D Light (yes that is her true name that she has had for her whole life. And her mom was a Bright, and her niece married a Ray. Yep.). Phyllis is a healer in the living tradition of […]
You’re Soaking in It

For those of you old enough to remember, there was a circa-70s TV commercial for dish-washing liquid. It showed a woman soaking her fingers for a manicure. The aesthetician extolled the virtues of a certain dishwashing liquid while her client soaked — it is a commercial — as her client wondered if the product would dry her […]